
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Random Thoughts:Radical feminists have gone too far

Culture Wars

The Tag: Radical feminists have gone too far.

Caution: Commenting before reading this may result in miscommunication.

Well, the title seems to be self evident, likely a poor logical foundation for my argument. The only way to argue against the title, is to debate the meanings of the terms; Not useful. I believe many feminist have thrown the baby out with the bathwater by defining alpha-males as toxic. First, they brought us to where we are. Consider the alternative. 2. While being bashed in the news they make Hollywood and politicians rich. They are worshiped in the gaming community. Third, the archetype of the alpha-male has been digitally represented as a god, maybe a supreme god, like Zeus (an asshole to be sure). I am not sure, but I think you could easily argue that he was a rapist, a zoophile and a pedophile, all while being bisexual.

We need high functioning alpha-males as leaders. Not exclusively, not with ultimate power. We need them as warriors. Not killers. Warriors for fighting the good fight. Doing what we know to be right. Making sacrifices for the betterment of all. Heroes.

How do we know what is right? What to fight for? We have lost our way. The answer my little polliwog, is to use the other side of your brain, endeavor to understand women, engage with any woman who has the patience and ability to translate her truths into a language you can understand.

The rational mind is like the ego. A fabulous soldier, but a disastrous leader. The alpha-males need to be loved, supported and highly valued. They need well defined, not restrictive, rolls in our society. They need to be rewarded.

At the same time, we have way too many, as in more-than-one, ego driven maladapted maleish (e.g., may not have a dick) assholes in control. They need to go. We need to help. With nets and straight jackets if required. No death penalties, no lynchings, no money. Take it away from them. Give it to the poor.

Oh, and our heroes need some help letting go of the reins, or the expectation that they will get the reins.

Women need Leadership Training. They have been in a minority position for too long. They are less experienced power holders. Not sure what that would look like. That’s because it needs to be created by and for women. Note: The broadest possible definition of woman is assumed.

Image result for radical feminist

Image result for zeus

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