Wednesday Sept 19, 2018
00 Meditation (time in minutes)
0 Eating Well (1=Lost it, 10= Healthy = Protein, Veggies, some fruit, minimal carbs)
0 Exercise (1=Couched it, 10= stretching + cardio, + strength)
00 Exercise (Minutes)
0 Mood (1 = Angry, Anxious 10 = Joyful, Content)
L/Y Lower Back Pain (None/Low/Mod/High) /Took Ibuprofen before bed Y/N
211 Weight (Saturdays)
How my day went:
Notes/Action Items:
Adrian Session:
Notes & ToDo:
1. Go back to Doc for labs
3. Look at filling our A's Daily Journal
4. Get buddy...or buddies to go thru together
5. Emphasize meditation
6. What is my "go to" when getting off track? The Big Leap?
8. Look for best way to use Adrian
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