00 Meditation (time in minutes)
0 Eating Well (1=Lost it, 10= Healthy protein, Veggies, some fruit, minimal carbs)
0 Exercise (1=Couched it, 10= stretching + cardio, + strength)
00 Exercise (Minutes)
0 Mood (1 = Angry, Anxious 10 = Joyful, Content)
211.8 Weight
How my day went:
Notes/Action Items: Session w/Adrian:
Future Plan:
1. Set up folder for Adrian's email to me.
In the "to" field, enter the Gmail address with the periods. 6. If you want incoming messages for that address to go directly into a designated folder, select the options "Apply the label" and "Skip the Inbox." You must apply both filters, or else the mail will go to the new folder and your regular inbox
2.FYI: Future session 10:30a on Wednesdays.
3. Established Patient with Betty Haswell, PA-C Sept 17th, Monday (labs?)
4. Review template, use formats you want. (Templates for Daily Journal)
5. Establish goals, send to Adrian
6. Keep Digestion diary mods bowels movens energy etc for next 7 days.
Session 1 Assessment and Profile – Housekeeping and logistics of how we will conduct our sessions. Establish what you want and what you need from HFD Sessions.
Food and You - Best foods for you, Recipes, menus, snacks, quick fixes, eating out, food prep and cooking. Takeaways & homework.
Session 2 Digestive System health, Allergies, Food Intolerances, Parasites and Bacteria in the Gut, IBS, Leaky Gut, Inflammatory Issues, Blood Sugar Imbalances. Determining digestive condition and ways to improve it. Takeaways & homework.
Session 3 Grocery Store Logistics – Onsite Tour (if possible), Face-to-Face Live Remote at Store, Shopping on A Budget, Healthy Food Shopping Lists, What Are Labels. Takeaways & homework.
Session 4Fitness – What fits your body, time, motivation, where to begin, design fitness program, videos and DVDs for demos, resources. Takeaways & homework.
Session 5 Supplements, herbs, tonics, teas. Education and information of what, why, where and how of supplements, herbs, teas and other remedies of interest and relevancy.
Motivation, Inspiration, Accountability, Lab Evaluation and Takeaways.