
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mathematical Formula from Ohm to Om.

The distillation of a logical formula for the relationship among 
Flow, Energy, Resistance and Meditation.

OHM'S Law:

I = V / R 
Where:   I = Current,   V = Voltage,    R = Resistance

OM's Law Corollary:

Substitute Flow for Current
Substitute Energy for Voltage
You get Flow = Energy/Resistance, or

F=E/R       Where F=Flow, E=Energy, R=Resistance. Result; Resistance shuts down Flow.

Resistance is inversely proportional to meditation i.e., R= 1/M
Substituting Meditation for Resistance you get Flow = Energy * Meditation

F=E*M      Where F=Flow, E=Energy and M=Meditation Result; Meditation increases flow.

If you are inspired, get the t-shirt (not sure exactly what this means, but I like it)

1. Ohm's Law can be expressed with one equation, which is Current (I) equals Voltage (V) divided by Resistance (R). It demonstrates that if the applied voltage across a circuit is increased or decreased, the current generated in the circuit increases and decreases, respectively. Furthermore, as the resistance in a circuit increases, the current generated in the circuit decreases.

I = V / R

Current (I) is the quantity, volume or intensity of electrical flow
Voltage (V) is an electromotive force or potential difference
Resistance (R) reduction of electric current flow. In English, resistance is the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument. The ability not to be affected by something (like knowledge).

2. This process was inspired by and, Electrical Basis of Meditation: Enlightenment is an Energy State.

3. I found this helpful for today: The only hard part with meditation is to start because this is the point of maximum resistance. As you become more practiced or advanced with meditation practice then the whole process becomes easier and easier as your resistance is being progressively reduced.

4. Also inspired by the mathematical equation for God envisioned by Logical Pantheism on

Monday, September 26, 2016

I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged

“I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged. I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach. I will not allow myself to indulge in the usual manipulating game of role creation. Fortunately for me, my self-knowledge has transcended that and I have come to understand that life is best to be lived and not to be conceptualized. I am happy because I am growing daily and I am honestly not knowing where the limit lies. To be certain, every day there can be a revelation or a new discovery. I treasure the memory of the past misfortunes. It has added more to my bank of fortitude.” ~Bruce Lee

Friday, September 23, 2016

Who Am I?


"Who Am I?"

Who am I to stand and wonder, to wait
While the wheels of fate slowly grind my life away?
Who am I?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Being vs Having

This is my dream motorcycle.

This is the balance I want in my life.

This is how I want to feel when I play the guitar.

This is how I want to express my self artistically and emotionally.

This is the level of fitness I want to achieve

.I want to demonstrate this kind of faith.

This is where I want to be able to hike.

Oh yea, and lean to speak Spanish.

I can have it all. Be here now.

Being vs Having

Having something is temporary.
Being something is infinite.

I am an artist in search of his media.
I am a dreaming dreamer being dreamt.
I am the space between the notes.
I am free of the clutches of my past.
I am free of the expectations of my future.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Reengaging with the DailyOm Self Hypnosis Course on Weight Loss

This started with a fill in the blank Exercise: 

Fill in the blank. What do I have to believe about myself if eating crap and eating too much could truly stop me from living my life healthy, happy and at my ideal weight?

When you look at that belief, ask yourself, What is a deeper truth? The deeper truth is that there is a part of me that does not feel I deserve to be healthy or wants to stop feeling unloved by stuffing food in me, even if it doesn't feel good even short term. For now accept this and move on. Challenge this belief from multiple directions. Practical food advice, self hypnosis, dreams. Solve this problem on a higher level (Einstein) Carry on.

The Future Me!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Monday, Day 3

On a roll yet?

Inertia is creeping in!!!! To ride or not to ride?  No pain no gain, wait, that's not right.  I had no pain, that is the be continued.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Summer Sunday

Robert's talk last night

Robert Roskind became an "instant" hippie after accidentally ingesting 100+ hits of LSD. It was pure LSD from a UNC research lab. He took 1/3 the liquid in a vial. He assumed it was to be split between his three friends  (1st time on LSD) Turns out a dose was measured by dipping your finger in it. Oops. Completely blanked on 1st 8 hours, took 3 days to come down. Or maybe he never did.

45 minutes of biking, 15 minutes cool-down stretch. same riding stats as yesterday.  So, the one lap time of 1.33 minutes in gears 2/5 is equal to a 15 mile/hour pace, on dead flat. That's slow, big surprise. It feels better even on day 2. Now that I have switched to a flat pedal, the pain in my right foot was minimal yesterday and almost nonexistent today.  I did a pretty thorough and painful stretch on the wooden roller. It was most painful on the arch of my right foot.  Let's see what happens after a week and then a month.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Summer Saturday Ride

My Crazy BikeE

Cardio Day: Road for 35 minutes,~15 min to track at the middle school, 1min 20sec for 1/4 mile lap.(about 11.3 miles/hr pace in 2/5 gears)

Want to rotate each day with an emphasis on Cardio, strength, flexibility, balance.  Do some of each, each day. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Summertime...No time to waste


So...I have been stuck.  Now I'm unstuck. By fiat. I need to meditate, exercise and mindfully eat. So it begins once again. 

Today: Meditation: 10 min, morning
              Exercise: Zero
                 Eating: Distracted, medium healthly

Friday, June 3, 2016

My Next Journey

Me Now...................................................................Me Later

Monday, March 14, 2016

Cautiously Optimistic

cautiously optimistic
Generally confident regarding a situation and/or its outcome 
while still maintaining a readiness for possible difficulties or failure.

Wow,,,this is something new.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dream Insights and a Random Vision

Dream Insights: From Dream Journal Dec 2015 - Mar 2016

  • Frustration is the anti-thesis to lucid dreams & lucid life
  • What if the subconscious is not a separate state of consciousness but a continuum like hot-to-cold (all one thing)?
  • Let negative self-judgement go; Like random thoughts while meditating. Let judgments of others go while you are at it.
  • Affirmation: As a child of the universe I am letting negative thoughts turn into smoke-letting in clean oxygen rich air and sunshine.
  •  Can you use lucid dreams to find detailed stores of old memories?
  • Invite Alex to use lucid dreams to face night demons.
  • Observe-Intention-Observe [OIO] (discovered challenge during WILD). Useful for both dream & waking states. 
  • "Through the Veil" Is this a thing? I think so. Is this DI or DH?
  •  Distraction   
  •  Lucid DreamsLucid Life      Equivalence: A follows B and B follows A. 
  • LucidityMindfulness?
  • Distraction Lucidity                  Exclusive or (logic), Opposite,
  • From Gardner: If you get trapped in the dream logic, you will lose lucidity.

Vision: Each man has a gift he can share with others.  Be: Active, Engaged, Passionate 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Wherever You Go There You Are

Mindfulness Meditation In Everyday Life  Jon Kabat-Zinn

Pg 79 1st round answers.

Why do I Meditate? List:
To be better at lucid dreaming.
To defuse my anger and frustration.
To have a clearer picture of my world.
To be present. Be Here Now.
To not be distracted.
To be a better husband and father.

Relationships are what is most important. Forcing my will on others is misdirected and a sin, if there is such a thing. The earth sustains me and my family into the future. I am wholly an integral part of the universe. Logical Pantheism.                                    

What I honor most? MY responsibilities as a husband and a father.

What is most important List. Wife, Children, community, earth, being present, being loving and present.

What is my vision? Enjoy life by living my values in an engaging and creative way.

Does this reflect my true values? Yes.

Do I practice my intentions?  No nearly enough. I too often consumed with my own desires and emotions.

How am I now in my job? Spotty. Family? Good primarily, but too angry and reactive. Relationships? Getting better.

How do I want to be? More engaged. More present. More reliable. More fun. More productive.

How might I live my vision, my values? Engage with others to help and amaze them.

 How do I relate to suffering, myself and others? I do not fully appreciate it in either place.

Come back to this list from time to time.

Am I Dreaming?...I hope so!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Procrastination to Mindfulness

pro-cras-ti-na-tion |prəˌkrastəˈnāSHən, prō-|
the action of ruining your own life for no apparent reason

The procrastinator’s Storyline goes something like this:

For the Have-To-Dos in my life, I’ll end up waiting until the last minute, panicking, and then either doing less than my best work or shutting down and not doing anything at all. For the Want-To-Dos in my life, let’s be honest—I’ll either start one and quit or more likely, I just won’t ever get around to it.


Procrastinators love planning, quite simply because planning does not involve doing, and doing is the procrastinator’s Kryptonite.

The Challenge: Avoid The Dark Playground, enter The Dark Woods and into the flow.

Once you get 2/3 or 3/4 of the way through a task, especially if it’s going well, you start to feel great about things and suddenly, the end is in sight. This is a key tipping point—

The Tipping Point is important because it’s not just you who can smell the Happy Playground up ahead—the monkey can smell it too. The monkey doesn’t care if his instant gratification comes alongside you or at your expense, he just loves things that are easy and fun. Once you hit the Tipping Point, the monkey becomes more interested in getting to the Happy Playground than the Dark Playground. When this happens, you lose all impulse to procrastinate and now both you and the monkey are speeding toward the finish.

Before you know it, you’re done, and you’re in the Happy Playground. Now, for the first time in a while, you and the monkey are a team. You both want to have fun, and it feels great because it’s earned. When you and the monkey are on a team, you’re almost always happy.

The other thing that might happen when you pass the Tipping Point, depending on the type of task and how well it’s going, is that you might start feeling fantastic about what you’re working on, so fantastic that continuing to work sounds like much more fun than stopping to do leisure activities. You’ve become obsessed with the task and you lose interest in basically everything else, including food and time—this is called Flow. Flow is not only a blissful feeling, it’s usually when you do great things.

The monkey is just as addicted to the bliss as you are, and you two are again a team.

Fighting through to the Tipping Point is hard, but what makes procrastination so hard to beat is that the Instant Gratification Monkey has a terribly short-term memory—even if you wildly succeed on Monday, when you begin a task on Tuesday, the monkey has forgotten everything and will again resist entering the Dark Woods or working through them.

You need to prove to yourself that you can do it.

1) Try to internalize the fact that everything you do is a choice.
2) Create methods to help you defeat the monkey.
3) Aim for slow, steady progress—Story lines are rewritten one page at a time.

The Real Matrix

Eisenhower Matrix

Eisenhower Matrix Actions

But, in my head:

Procrastinator's Matrix

But if you’re a procrastinator, you’re in luck. You have an ace up your sleeve—someone daring and fearless, with bountiful energy and dynamic talent, and someone who can defeat the monkey like stepping on an ant: Future You.

Future You is a procrastinator’s most important ally—someone who’s always there and always has your back, no matter what. I know all about this firsthand. Future Tim is an amazing guy.


But for all of Future Tim’s virtues, he has one fatal flaw that kind of ruins everything: he doesn’t exist.

So here’s what went on when I was supposed to be pursuing a composing career:

Composer Matrix

I have not conquered procrastination, but for the time being, at least, I’m in the least bad type of procrastinator situation—I’m a Successtinator.

Successtinator's Matrix

Sounds good....but:

A successtinator has found a solution-ish to his problems, but it’s not pretty, often not healthy, and usually not sustainable. It’s a clever duct-taping of a troubled machine to hold it over temporarily.

I received a lot of emails from Successtinators, and the patterns were consistent and resonate with my own current situation. A Successtinator can be happy with his life, but isn’t usually that happy in his life. And that’s because being a Successtinator does not make you a success. Someone who does something well professionally at the expense of balance, relationships, and health is not a success. Real success means having both professional life and lifestyle working well and in harmony—and Successtinators are too stressed, too unavailable, and are often completely deprived of Happy Playground time, which is a critical component of a happy life. A Successtinator is also usually limited in his professional possibilities—great work can be done in Q1, but it’s often more on the maintaining side of things. Q2 is still where most of the professional growth and out-of-the-box thinking takes place, and like all procrastinators, Successtinators rarely set foot in Q2.

Clearing away delusion

If we want to improve our time point spending, the first step is learning to see the world through a crystal clear Eisenhower Matrix—which means shaking off all delusion. We need to develop well-thought-out definitions of urgent and important, which will be different for everyone and requires a deep dig into the highly personal question, “What matters most to me?”

Brett McKay defines “important tasks” as things that contribute to our long-term mission, values, and goals. This is broad and straightforward and a good core sentence to come back to when assessing importance down the road.

Becoming the boss of your brain

The monkey is not your friend, and he never will be. But he’s also part of your head and impossible to get rid of, so get in the habit of noticing him.

But he thrives off of unconsciousness. Simply by noticing him and saying to yourself, “Yup, there’s the monkey, right on cue,” you can start to tip the balance out of its default state. Then maybe one day, you’ll find yourself nonchalantly shoving the monkey off of the wheel with the simplest, “No monkey, not now.” And your life will be forever changed.

The Answer:


Monday, February 22, 2016

Fitness for Hiking (and staying alive in general)

1St Week  2/22/2016

30 min exercise/day
10 min meditation/day
2.5lb/week weight loss
Get a dream fitness consultant ASAP

Late night (after 9pm) carb snacks

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Lucid Dreaming Quest

Is this a major new facet of my life, or just another quixotic quest?